Wednesday, March 14, 2007

perestroika, glasnost, fed and zorki and a mean-looking slr called zenit

another victim falls prey to the uncontrollable contagion in rangefinder filipinas. the predilection for russian cameras may appear like a benign condition but it is an insidious disease.
my friend garrie comes over for acupuncture. but first he shows me his latest goodies.
and while doing this, he mumbles repeatedly, "thank God for glastnost. thank God for the fall of the berlin wall! thank God for rfilipinas!" he has flipped over russian cameras!!!

Friday, March 9, 2007

returning to black and white film processing

i almost blundered. after weeks of training with a sacrifice roll of film, i finally decided to take on a live one with a steel reel. it was a tricky thing to do because unlike the plastic reel, the steel reel required certain maneuvers to properly load a whole film into a developing tank. and, as i was feeding the reel the film roll got loose inside the changing bag. i tried to carefully roll up the film strip but i ended up scratching the negative. and here is one of the victims.

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

RFilipinas: Philippine Rangefinder Users

The slide presentation features the organizational meeting and the ongpin photo shoot of the Rangefinder Filipinas (RF). Basically, RFF hopes to promote the use of rangefinder cameras in the Philippines. It also strives to maintain social responsibility as one of its core values.