Thursday, June 27, 2013

shooting photos on the cheap

having fun with my fuji point and shoot film camera

(with fujifilm silvi 2.8, fuji superia 100 film.)

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

the white bag

the white bag, grand central station, NYC

(leica mp, cron35, fuji superia 400)

Friday, June 21, 2013

UERM Med 84: my colleagues in the healing profession

mpeastmand76_0014 copye joy and eric
mpeastmand76_0013 copye george and ducle
mpeastmand76_0001 copye junet and tony
mpeastmand76_0002 copye1
mpeastmand76_0004 copye
jim and susan

(all film shots from a rangefinder camera).