Thursday, June 21, 2007

malate: cafe latte of life

the expression "coffee and milk" in filipino is the more favored counterpart of "oil and water" in the english language. but unlike oil and water, coffee and milk though diametrical do blend well like yin and yang.
hence, malate is cafe latte. the street kids live a damned curse yet they exude joy. it is "putang-ina mo, mahal kita!!!" (i love you, you SOB!!!) said in rough but endearing passion.
and it dawns on me that to be happy, it does not really take much. these kids are pointing the way. just have good friends. live today. trust tomorrow.

initially, i mistook her for a daughter of the woman standing beside her. she was neat and well-groomed. but she was actually selling her toy torches.

who needs a nintendo when you can get real thrill and harmless fun with friends?

a mabini.*

they were apprehended for sleeping on the sidewalk. tonight, they sleep on private property -- a ford fiera. not theirs though.

another coffee and milk example: abrasive yet polite.

ruby, 15 and pregnant and yaya of an infant niece.

life is a fun leap of faith.

* tagalog word for gentleness, also a street in the red district of manila named after a filipino hero.
photos taken june 20, wednesday, in the evening, as part of the special project of rfilipinas (rangefinder camera club of the philippines) for the street kids of malate.
special thanks to the staff of our lady of remedies program: angel deveza, the social worker without wings; ate lina asma who breathes well; ate tet sambale who coordinated for us; and fr. john leydon for welcoming our intrusion.
for more of the same and others, click:

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