Friday, October 12, 2007

the first philippine rangefinder camera club

in the 1930s, when the dominant cameras were the medium and large format cameras, a group of filipinos took on a different type of camera that initially made them pariahs in photography. They called themselves the 35 MM CAMERA CLUB. it was probably the first rangefinder camera club in the philippines. it was a trailblazing group of avid camera users championing the use of the 135 film and the rangefinder cameras.
a few days ago, uro dela cruz found, as if by fate, a trove of photos of that group in a bodega-curio shop in kamuning. and the owner did not realize how valuable those photos were until that time. the photos provide a sense of "roots" for rangefinderfilipinas, a recently organized group of rangefinder camera users in the philippines. just see how the members are responding to the blog.
uro's find is timely as rfilipinas is at its birthing period. for more of the story and the treasure photos:

1 comment:

Tom said...

The Agfa Billy 0 (Zero) had but one view finder which popped unfolded from the camera's body. our's with the additional view finder (mounted at the top left corner of the shutter was marketed as the Speedex.In my Flickr Techno Set I have posted a list of Compur shutter serial numbers ... it will help you date your Speedex. Photos of my Billy 0 (Zero) and photos it has taken may be seen at:


Tom O'Brien